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VIP Membership

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Post time 2015-1-9 02:05:47 | Only show author posts replycredit |Descending |Read mode
VIP Membership

1. Becoming a VIP.                                                      Click here to learn how to active VIP Membership.

Players can become VIPs through the in-game VIP interface.

2. VIP Levels

1) All VIPs start out at VIP1
2) Players who have previously spent money in-game, and have met the spending requirements for VIP3, will be automatically upgraded to VIP3 if/when they become a VIP member.
3) VIPs can earn Growth Points by logging in daily and by spending Gold Coins. However, if a player’s VIP status expires and is not renewed, any Growth Points gained through previous daily logins will be permanently erased.

Note: VIP Growth Points gained through spending Gold Coins are permanent.

3.Other VIP Gifts
1) VIP Level Packs
    As your VIP level increases, you will be rewarded with a special VIP level pack.

2) Exclusive VIP Dragon Pet
    VIP members can obtain a special dragon pet when they reach a certain level.

3) VIP Daily Packs
    VIPs may collect a daily VIP pack (limit once per day).

4.VIP Benefits Overview

Click here to learn how to active VIP Membership.


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