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New Server events for the new launch!

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Post time 2015-1-9 01:26:11 | Only show author posts |!view_bigpic! replycredit |Descending |Read mode
New Server events for the new launch

The Dragon Carnival
The Dragon Carnival is here for just 5 days! See what amazing rare pets await you!
DAY 1 Crazy leveler: Player ranked 1st in Character level Ranking will win the Nutcracker
DAY 2 Socket A Gem: Player ranked 1st in Gem level ranking will win the Cyanus
DAY 3 Wardrobe master: Player ranked 1st in Wardrobe ranking will win the Lvl.8 HP Gem
DAY 4 Battle Rating King: Player ranked 1st in Battle Rating Ranking will win the Lvl.8 HP Gem
DAY 5 : It’s a secret

Arena Time
Time: From the first day the server is open and last for 5 days
Summary: Rank in the top 500 in the Arena to gain great reward everyday

Day 1 : Leveler Rush
Time: The first day when a new server is open
Summary: During the event, reach a certain level to claim the reward

Day 2: Jeweler’s Delight
Time: The second day when a new server is open
Summary: During the event, get rewards when total equipped gem level meets the requirements.

Day 3: Fashion Icon
Time: The third day when a new server is open
Summary: Meet certain Wardrobe requirements to receive a great gift pack.

Day 4: Battle Rating King
Time: The 4th day when a new server is open
Summary: Battle Ratings that reach the required numbers or rank in the battle rating rankings will be rewarded

Day 5: Guild Supporter
Time: The 5th day when a new server is open
Summary: Upgrade guilds to the required levels during the event and let all the guild members reap the rewards!

Day 6: Wishful Day
Time: The 4th day when a new server is open
Summary: Reach the required number of wishes and be rewarded!


First Recharge Gift
Time: From the first day when a server open and last for 7 days.
Summary: When a server’s claimed Recharge Packreach the specified amounts, all VIPs can claim great rewards for free.

Growth Fund Purchase
Time: From the first day when a server open and last for 7 days.
Summary: When a server’s Growth Fund purchase total reaches the specified amount(including Gift a Fund), all VIPs can Claim tons of rewards for free.

Friends Unite
Time: From the first day when a server open and last for 7 days.
Summary: When a player’s wardrobe reaches the specified level, all VIPs on the server can claim rewards for free, VIP4s and above can claim all the rewards.

Loved by All
Time: From the first day when a server open and last for 3 days.
Summary: When a player’s wardrobe reaches the specified level, all VIPs on the server can claim rewards for free, VIP4s and above can claim all the rewards.

Target Rewards

Consecutive Login Rewards

Duration: For the first 7 days when reach the server.
Event Description: For the first 7 days when reach the server, players will be able to claim consecutive login rewards for unique prizes!
Each day has its own unique prizes.


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