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Dragon Pals New Version Arriving!

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Post time 2015-6-8 06:01:50 | Only show author posts |!view_bigpic! replycredit |Descending |Read mode
A new version of Dragon Pals has arrived. Check out the changes and new challenges below!

【Dungeons & Items
  • Added Lvl.110 and lvl.120 items to dungeons.
  • Added converting, evolving, and casting options for Lvl.110 and lvl.120 items.
  • Added Lvl.110 and lvl.120 dungeons.

  • Added another level to Artifact Upgrades.

【Nymph Shrine】          Click Here to learn more.
  Unlock level:Lvl.70
  • Add nymph pray

  • Add nymph sync

【Dragon Guardian】
  • Extended dragon guardian quality to Mythic.
  • Extended dragon guardian talents level to lvl.7.
  • Extended dragon essence levels to lvl.30.
  • Extended dragon essence evolves.

【Optimization and Adjustment】
1.Adjusted devil cage match rewards.
2.Greedy unlockable dragon.
3.Extended gem resonance power upgrades to lvl.120.
4.Added the following items to the exchange shop: lvl.6 purple crystals, lvl. 110 items and lvl. 120 items.
5.Extended medals skill upgrade to lvl.150.
6.Added a Inner Demon in the Enchanted rings.
7.Extended Holy Seal level to lvl.170.
8.Added items to the Shop.
9.Added skills for artifacts, nymphs, and items.
10.Added a list for the items.
[Greedy Dragon]
Unlock level:Lvl.55

[Enchanted rings- Inner Demon]

There will be new events, fashionable outfits, nymphs, adorable pets, and wings!
Login and play Dragon Pals to learn more about the new update firsthand!


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anonymity  Post time 2015-6-27 14:35:30
what difference will it make they will still steal from us and leave the game unfixed

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