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Tom Brady wins NFL-record 201st game

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Post time 2016-12-5 20:41:55 | Only show author posts replycredit |Descending |Read mode
Bears, 49ers fail to complete pass in 1st quarterThe Bears and 49ers failed to complete a pass in the first quarter Sunday, tying a 28-year-old record for futility in the first quarter.
You can't press," Bortles said. "I think I was doing some of that early in the season and that didn't go well. You've got to stay true to what we do and what we believe in and go through the process. For me, it's obviously still trying to take care of the ball. All you can do is put your head down and continue to play as hard as you can and prepare each week.
Asked what he would say to fans who are wondering why he is receiving an extension, Fisher said: "Well, I'd tell them the truth -- that this was done well before the season started. It was done well before we had 90,000,  people at the Coliseum for our first preseason game. We're moving forward. That's what we're doing. We're trying to put a winning product on the field.
While Roethlisberger has played great at home this year, he’s been downright abysmal on the road—though a large part of that is due to playing through injuries or returning too soon from injuries. By no means has he had a terrible season, but he has been a far cry from the Big Ben we are accustomed to watching. And when you combine the disappointing level of play for those three big name QBs this year with the Browns’ Cody Kessler/Josh McCown combo, well, it’s not the worst quarterback division in the cheapujerseys, league, but it’s pretty darn close. Also, this feels like a good time to remind everyone that the last QB to win a game for the Browns was… Johnny Manziel.
When you have Blake Bortles and Brock Osweiler in the same division, is this really a question? Osweiler has managed to do what Brian Hoyer, Ryan Mallett, T.J. Yates, and Brandon Weeden couldn’t even do last season, and that is make DeAndre Hopkins look human. Osweiler’s QB rating when targeting Hopkins this year: 51.0. The rating for those four journeymen QBs when targeting Hopkins in 2015: 93.8. Wrap your mind around that. I don’t even know how it is possible. Osweiler’s overall QB rating this year (72.2) is the third-worst in the Texans’ franchise history, behind only two David Carr seasons that rank among the worst in  cheap NFL jerseys history. Again, wrap your mind around that. I’m just happy that he already got his money already. And poor Bortles. We all thought this was going to be the year that both he and the Jaguars made the leap. Instead, we got consecutive games in which he threw interceptions that bounced off his own receiver’s foot. I’m not ready to write off Bortles’s career just yet, but his season has been so bad that the Jaguars may be looking for a new coach and a new QB in the off-season.
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