Title: Scheduled Maintenance Announcement, November 2nd, 2015 [Print this page]

author: Lillian    time: 2015-10-30 03:34
Title: Scheduled Maintenance Announcement, November 2nd, 2015
Scheduled Maintenance Announcement, November 2nd, 2015

Dear Players,
    Dragon Pals all servers will be shutdown for Maintenance from 00:00 to 02:00 PDT/3:00 to 5:00 EDT on November 2nd, 2015. Please remember to go offline before the maintenance. Servers may advance or delay relaunching time based on actual situation. If there is any emergency that causes extension of the maintenance time, we will keep you updated. Please follow the latest news in our official forum.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may bring you and thank you for your support!

Maintenance update:
1Magic Lamp will be removed from server 1-6.
2As Daylight Saving time will be ended on Nov 1st 2015, all server time will be turned backward 1 hour at this maintenance.
Monday, November 2nd, 2015, 05:00:00 clocks are turned backward 1 hour to
Monday, November 2nd,2015, 04:00:00 local standard time instead
3Weekly Event updates.

Dragon Pals Operations Team
Official Website: http://dragonpals.gogogame.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dragonpals.gogogame

author: Grimnir    time: 2015-10-31 09:33
whya re you removing our magic lamp?  most of us havent finished it yet,.  that is not good and nt cool.  if you do this i will be looking for a refund on my account along with all the other bull from you guys.
author: Zoraia    time: 2015-11-2 07:26
We have worked hard to earn the rewards from the magic lamp. So let me guess, you removed it because its a free daily event. You guys are scumbags. Money grubbing pieces of crap. Screw you and screw this game.

author: woksanat    time: 2015-11-2 09:09
Taking away the magic lamp that is the last straw, you have made this game unfair to players that have been playing since you started on facebook, youleft it for servers 7 and 8, which is unfair.  You guys are cheating and lying and stealing from people.  This is unacceptable, your events are for people who pay to play and now you have finally made it so no one on server 1 anyway will be paying or I am guessing playing at this point.  You daily sales are not actually sales at all. if you do the math on the costs you advertise to us as specials they are not, it costs the same as it would if we bought them with returned gold.  I will be going to facebook and paymentwall and getting ALL my money backthat i have spent on this game.  We only spend with the intention of playing, if I dont get satisfaction through you guys or facebook, I will go through my credit card company and let them know what scams you people are up to.  We have asked over and over again for you guys to fix the issues, and the glitches but they all remain, trivia is just one example of many. People on servers 1-6 have begged for a merge over and over again so that we can actually contend, you guys say be patient, and then open 2 new servers, how is that helping us as players.  You constantly double charge us for gold and then dont fix the issue.  We have asked time and time again for details in what "maintenance" is going to be doing and you refuse to tell which you have to do.  I am done with the lying cheating ways of gogo games.  Fix the problems, give us back our magic lamp and maybe just maybe people will play again.  I dont expect a response from you guys that is your way, ignor it and maybe it will just go away.

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