Title: Purify Artifact [Print this page]

author: lemon    time: 2015-6-10 01:34
Title: Purify Artifact
The story goes that after coming across a strange crystal in the deep depths of a dungeon, a prophet sensed that his artifact was behaving strangely when, all of a sudden, the crystal disappeared and was absorbed by the artifact, filling the prophet with a new sense of power.

Unlocks for lvl. 60+ Characters that have a lvl. 8+ Artifact

Click the purify tab in the artifact interface to enter

[Rules and info]
1. Use Primordial Magic Crystals to receive blessing points. The more blessing points you get, the higher your success rates when purifying will be. Blessing points reset daily at midnight.
2. Purify your artifact to gain bonuses to attributes!
3. Purify your artifact to certain levels and unlock powerful skills.

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