Title: Wedding Rings [Print this page]

author: Avalon    time: 2015-2-3 02:30
Title: Wedding Rings
I got married we thought we both needed to buy rings so we did. I got mine in the mail but I couldnt find a way to send my ring to my 'husband' he ended up having to buy another ring. So now i have a soaring hearts ring which i paid dearly for just sitting in the warehouse.
Is there a way for me to get the ring to my partner?

author: Griffincredible    time: 2015-2-3 03:01
Dear Avalon, currently there are only 2 ways to send a ring:
(1)Suitors can send a ring as a gift via proposal.
(2)Married players can use gold coins to send a ring as a gift in the shop.
(Click "Gift" when buying the ring in the Shop)

About your ring, we suggest you keep it for future usage should the game make any changes in the ways of sending a ring.
Thank you very much for your support to the game!

author: Avalon    time: 2015-2-3 13:39
Griffincredible replied at 2015-2-3 03:01
Dear Avalon, currently there are only 2 ways to send a ring:
(1)Suitors can send a ring as a gift vi ...

thank for the swift reply

author: IrisBaoBao    time: 2015-3-24 21:26
Wedding is great,and I really love this game.

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