GOGOGAME Forum»Forum Games Dragon Pals Game Discussion
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See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0832 varun6786 2016-3-15 12:03
Sculpt Sound: Creates new sounds or changes existing ones into new sounds.. +... varun6786 2016-3-15 0831 varun6786 2016-3-15 12:02
Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 01327 varun6786 2016-3-15 12:01
Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 feet invisible.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0855 varun6786 2016-3-15 12:00
Illusory ScriptM: Only select creatures can read text.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0854 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:59
Good Hope: Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.... varun6786 2016-3-15 0811 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:58
Gaseous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0813 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:57
Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0929 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:57
Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0890 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:55
Crushing Despair: Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, an... varun6786 2016-3-15 0817 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:54
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.. +91-... varun6786 2016-3-15 0925 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:53
Blink: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0820 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:52
Tongues: Speak and understand any language.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0828 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:51
Summon Monster II: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.. +91-969410... varun6786 2016-3-15 0913 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:49
Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage and may stun subjects.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0852 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:49
Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.. +91-96941... varun6786 2016-3-15 0833 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:48
Rage: Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0890 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:46
Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 + 1 per three levels, max ... varun6786 2016-3-15 0833 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:45
Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).. +91-969410... varun6786 2016-3-15 0730 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:44
Hypnotic Pattern: Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.. +91-9694102888 varun6786 2016-3-15 0735 varun6786 2016-3-15 11:43
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