Title: Divorce [Print this page]

author: Shadoween    time: 2015-1-24 13:11
Title: Divorce
I thought it wasn't clear so i wanted to ask. If I get a divorce the rings will be lost or given back to me?
author: lemon    time: 2015-1-24 13:39

Dear Shadoween,the rings will be retrieved by the system when you successfully divorced.Hope my reply will be helpful to you.Enjoy the game.

author: Shadoween    time: 2015-1-24 14:11
lemon replied at 2015-1-24 13:39
Dear Shadoween,the rings will be retrieved by the system when you successfully divorced.Hope my rep ...

retrieved by system mean I'm not getting them back?
author: Griffincredible    time: 2015-1-25 21:02
Shadoween replied at 2015-1-24 14:11
retrieved by system mean I'm not getting them back?

Dear Shadoween, yes, the rings will be retrieced by the system and the both of you will not have them any more. (I guess that's one way to keep the marriage alive. )

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