Title: glitches [Print this page]

author: Lyathali    time: 2015-5-11 23:28
Title: glitches
what is going on? at least in server 1, there are so many glitches that we can't get anything done.

rewards for Calamity War don't show up until after refreshing the game
same for Guild Dungeon and Happy Fight
Holy Lands is... weird. myself and another guildmate were passing through monsters. it took exiting HL and coming back in to continue fighting
some of my guildmates are saying it takes special tricks to make MP dungeons work at all...

These problems are being experienced by seemingly everyone, so refreshing my cache won't do anything. we just want to know what is happening to our game and why it seems to be breaking so badly

author: Lillian    time: 2015-5-12 04:14
hi,Lyathali,I have checked your data and found that you have received the rewards in the Calamity War ,holy land,and  Guild Dungeon.For the holy land and Happy Fight,we need more time to test.We will keep you updated.Could you provide a screenshot for the situation you described?Thanks for your cooperation!
author: Lyathali    time: 2015-5-14 22:37
Lillian replied at 2015-5-12 04:14
hi,Lyathali,I have checked your data and found that you have received the rewards in the Calamity Wa ...

sorry not to have replied until now...

it seems as if everything is back to normal. fights are working as they should and I'm no longer running through monsters in Holy Land. so, thank you for getting these problems worked out! I know we players don't say it enough...

thank you

author: Lillian    time: 2015-5-16 20:41
Lyathali replied at 2015-5-14 22:37
sorry not to have replied until now...

it seems as if everything is back to normal. fights are wo ...

hi,lyathali,thanks for your support.

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