Title: missing Pebbles shards [Print this page]

author: Lyathali    time: 2015-4-20 20:27
Title: missing Pebbles shards
at the time I saw Hong Ten's mail, I believe I had 8 messages. rather than spam the forum with them, I cleaned my mail box and took a shot of what remained. my inventory and guild box are included, in case that helps

author: lemon    time: 2015-4-20 23:18
Thank you so much for your cooperation. Based on the provided infos,the 15 pebble shards was returned to you.Warm tips: Please mind your game mail and redeem its returned items from the market in time.

author: uncamilfy    time: 2015-9-13 19:20
lemon replied at 2015-4-20 23:18
Thank you so much for your cooperation. Based on the provided infos,the 15 pebble shards was returne ...

Dear player,we won't cheat and stole items from our players.And we will always respect you the same way we respect other players.It would be highly appreciated if you could forgive us about the rollback thing!Best regards!

Dear player,we will not lie to you.What we talked to you before is real.We do want the game become better.And for the rollback thing,we do apology for this.Please forgive and understand us.Thanks for your understanding!Have a good day!

Dear player,we will not steal anything from all the players.We do apology for the rollback thing.However,we have tried our best to help all the player at that time.Please understand us.Thanks for your contacting!Have a good day!

Dear player,sorry for the late.We always try our best to help all the player in game.We treat everyone in the same way.We do want the game become better.Please understand us.Thanks for your understanding!Have a good day!

So you can see my missing items do not get replaced while this guys Pebble shards get replaced...where is the treating everyone the same? Just stop lying and making excuses...you owe me 237 nymph blessings

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