Title: Dragon Guardian [Print this page]

author: Suara    time: 2015-4-9 01:18
Title: Dragon Guardian
Dragon Guardian

So you've battled through the Seven Dragons (available at level 45)and obtained at least one Dragon Guardian. What to do with it now? You'll click on the Dragon Guardian icon on the bottom of your screen, in between the Guild Icon and the Orb Capture. The icon looks similar to a family crest or shield with the picture of a dragon.

This will take you to a new screen, with 8 circles lining the right side of your screen. The Black Dragon Guardian is the first to awaken, so you will click the top circle on right side of the screen, and it will show an image of a dragon, with Summon below it. Summoning the dragon guardian will give you access to increasing its stats with Tattoo Levels. Tattoo levels increase attributes to the Dragon Guardian. Each Dragon Guardian will have its own Tattoo level to obtain.

This will also introduce the Dragon Spirit Offering where you can trade gold coins for Dragon Sprit, much like Essence Offering or Alchemy attempts. For every 5 levels you gain in your dragons Tattoo level, the skills of that Dragon Guardian will increase by one Level. Example, your skills start out at level 1, you increase your Tattoo level to 10, your dragon skills will level to 3. At the bottom of the screen you will see Dragon Guardian Formation, where you can set whether your Dragon Guardian battles in front, or you do, during events such as Devil Cage Match. Next you'll See Dragon Evolution. Dragon Evolution require Life Source and Life Crystal, both of which can be obtained by making wishes in the El Alamein wishing well, or by exchanging wishing well points. Have more of one than the other? They can be synthesized in the blacksmith into each other at a ratio of 1:1. But remember, when evolving your Dragon Guardian to better quality, you earn Blessing Points towards success the next time. Try to do them in one day because the Blessing Points will reset each day at midnight on your server.

The third spot on the bottom of your screen says Dragon Talent. Dragon Talents are similar to the Holy Seal for your Dragon Whisperer. Points can be assigned to skills that you find most useful during battles that use your Dragon Guardian. They do not, however, affect your player, only the Dragon Guardian. Dragon Talent points are obtained through your battles in the Zodiac (Guide coming later). The last option on the bottom is Follow The Dragon. If you're ranked in the top three daily in Dragon Guardian Ranks, you can opt to have your Dragon Guardian follow you for all other whisperers to see.

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