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anonymity  Post time 2015-4-25 14:20:30
My name is Morgan and I am from Server 5.
I already had an account on another server when i started on S5 so I knew roughly what to expect. It a completely different vibe in 5 compared to my other server and I hope it stays this way. There is more interaction between the guilds and the members dont mind who you are or what guild you are in.
My guild is called Continuum, its a small guild but we are growing and we have a strong core. Crimson, Rosealine, Destiny and I are working had to make a good guild for members but also for the server because every server needs competition and a few strong guilds make for good competition. We are a happy chatty bunch and we are all willing to help to keep our server strong and healthy.

My best memories are seeing my name for the first time as top in the arena and beating the Demon Tower.
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Rank: 1

Post time 2015-4-25 17:04:40 | Only show author posts
Server 1

I started playing when the game first came out on facebook.  At first I wasent sure if I would like it, was having a hardtime figuring things out and finding people that where willing to teach other people what they knew.  Then I met my GM, they are the best bunch of people to play with.  Helpful, friendly, and all around nice.  Since then I have made many many friends that are not just friends in the game but have become part of my everyday life.  Sure we have our ups and our downs, good days and bad days, but what FAMILY doesnt.  Best game memory would be finally beating that bugger on the 100th level of the demon tower.

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anonymity  Post time 2015-4-26 22:13:03
Server: 1
Character Name: Thallium

I remember when I first started playing on Dragon Pals.  Back then I was trying to find a new game to entertain myself with and discovered this game on facebook.  I'm really glad that I did too as I have met some fantastic people whom I now consider to be friends.

I remember distinctly that I started on day 3 of Server 1 opening.  I remember this because for the new server events it was the wardrobe event.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love in game fashion.  I've sometimes even held fashion shows for people.  One of my first friends on the server was someone name Shadoween who was the leader of ShadeCrest.  She was such a nice person, but unfortunately due to real life she could no longer be as active and passed the leadership of the guild onto me.

Initially I was one of the strongest players on our server, and for awhile I was the strongest.  I do miss those times, but I am happily ranked 4th for now, but my dragon is still ranked 2nd (I do love my dragon).  I do try and get stronger every day as I love being able to defeat things I was never able to before.  I remember when I first beat the Legendary Challenges, and Zodiac I was so happy.  Those were really tough to beat but I eventually did it.  Another hard thing I know EVERYONE struggles with is Nightmare Abyss, currently I have finished room 2 of level 5.  I hope 1 day I have complete level 8 room 8, that will be the ultimate challenge.  Well that and completely 7 dragons nightmare of the Ancient God Dragon, I am both looking forward and not looking forward to that.

The best thing though out of everything is meeting all the great people this game has, like Jelly, Raiden, Zo, Cuttles, Ake, Sage, Hman, Lya, Kuria, DW, Saso, Parcel, my game hubby Bruce, our GM HongTen, and I know I am missing a pile of others.  If it wasnt for them I would probably not be playing this game, because lets face it it's the people that play with you, that make any game worth playing.  I love them all <3

I cannot wait to see what this game holds next, as I am looking forward to growing with DragonPals.

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anonymity  Post time 2015-4-26 22:44:34
server1 Hi this is Raiden and I started playing this game about 4 months ago and still love it!Once I discovered the dragon gardians I was hooked. I have met alot of wonderfull people on the game and become fb friends with them! Some the friends I made on the game are Thalli! Ake and Cuttles the best couple ever! Also sage Nardorus moon and angel are few others I want to mention are good friends and many more! Thank you everyone for being such great friends! Also Hongten is a great GM of the game lol! Thank you guys for this great game!
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